Media proprietor :

Company name: Conteco e.U.

Headquarters: 2351 Wiener Neudorf, Herzfeldergasse 30
Billing address: 2351 Wiener Neudorf, Herzfeldergasse 30
Country: Austria
Managing director: Oliver Kohl D.Sc.
Commercial court: Wiener Neustadt
Company register: FN 325143b
VAT registration number: ATU64772419

Our phone number, a contact form or our eMail address can be found on the following contact site.

Website implementation:

This website has been built by the CEO of Conteco e.U..

Picture credits / Copyrigh

We use a picture, which has been released for the public domain free of charge, by Mr. Anders Norén.

Some vector graphics have been taken from the open source GPL project “FontAwesome”:

A bunch of those graphics are borrowed from this project:

We thank Mr Travis Taylor and the simple-icons GitHub projekt project for the icons, which are listed in the footer under the menu item “Social media”.

For our directions we use Google Maps in our contact form. The spotlight icon and the “images” that make up a so-called map file are the property of Google.

The logo for signaling that we comply with the general data protection regulation comes from the Austrian Chamber of Commerce.

All other pictures, logos, etc. originated from our own creativity. These were either created with various graphics programs or shot by us with a digital camera.

Disclaimer for content

Despite the greatest possible care, we can not liable for neither the correctness nor the completeness of the contents of the website. Changes are reserved. The contents are for general information only and do not replace expert advice!

We assume no liability for the content of linked pages.

All contents and works on our sides are subject to the copyright. Any kind of distribution requires our written consent unless stated otherwise.

Terms and conditions

Our terms and conditions are a good read worth it.
Please find more information here about our data security statement.


Still have questions?

Is still anything unclear for you? If so so please do not hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help and glad to get in contact with you.